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๐Ÿ“… Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 ๐Ÿ•’ 10:00am PST / 1:00pm EST

Template Tactics & Future-Ready Websites

Strategies for 2024

WGM Webinar - Future Ready Websites - Cover Page

Join us as we delve into the dynamic world of website design and development. Discover the latest trends in templates and learn invaluable strategies for crafting future-ready websites in 2024. From reflecting on website sales trends in recent years to navigating the pros and cons of using templates, we'll equip you with the tools and tactics needed to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your website game and unlock your full online potential!

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The Only All-In-One Solution

ANWD Landing Page Alternating (1)


- Beautiful storefronts
- No-code, drag-and-drop page builder
- Personalized consumer experience โ€“ email and text marketing capabilities
- Dynamic segmentation and personalization of content (promos, related products, etc.) 
- Fast and secure checkout experience
- Manage multiple storefronts and brands
- Automated transactional emails (abandoned cart, tracking details, etc.)

ANWD Landing Page Alternating (3)

Point of Sale (POS)

Fast checkout thatโ€™s secure and focuses on the consumer experience 
- Offline mode so you can take payment anywhere and never miss a sale 
- Intuitive POS system built for wineries focused on fast checkouts 
- Easy for seasonal staff to master quickly  
- Multiple payment options so consumers can pay however they like 
- Focus on hospitality, everything you need to know about your customer at your fingertips 
- CRM at your fingertips, rich customer detail, including relationships, memberships, and upselling 

ANWD Landing Page Alternating (2)

Wine Club

- Most flexible club software, no matter what type, you structure your clubs your way 
- Efficient background processing, simplifying and automating 
- Easily identify at-risk members and reduce attrition proactively 
- Powerful conversion and retention so you can keep members longer  
- Improved experience for winery staff and end consumers 
- Wine Clubs are the lifeblood of wineries business โ€“ we built clubs with your needs in mind 
- Easy backend setup and delightful consumer experiences